How to Write a 30-60-90 Day Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

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A 30-60-90 day plan is a key tool for setting yourself up for success in a new role or position. It involves laying out specific goals and objectives for the first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job, along with an action plan for achieving them. By breaking down your goals into these manageable timeframes, you can better focus your efforts and track your progress along the way.

Understanding the Purpose of a 30-60-90 Day Plan

Before getting started, it's important to understand why a 30-60-90 day plan is valuable. First and foremost, it helps you define clear goals and expectations for yourself, which you can then communicate to your manager and colleagues. This ensures that everyone is on the same page about what you are working on and what you hope to achieve. Additionally, a 30-60-90 day plan demonstrates your strategic thinking skills and your commitment to making an impact in your new role.

Starting a new job can be overwhelming, but having a plan in place can help ease some of the stress and uncertainty. A 30-60-90 day plan provides structure and direction, helping you to prioritize your tasks and focus on what's most important. It also gives you a roadmap for success, helping you to stay on track and measure your progress along the way.

Setting goals for your first 30 days

The first 30 days on the job are critical for establishing a strong foundation. During this time, you should focus on getting acclimated to your new environment, setting expectations with your manager, and building relationships with your colleagues. Identify key tasks and objectives that you need to accomplish during this time, such as meeting with key stakeholders and learning the company culture.

It's also important to take the time to understand your role within the company and how your work fits into the bigger picture. This will help you to identify areas where you can make a meaningful impact and contribute to the company's overall success.

Achieving milestones in the 60-day mark

As you move into your second month on the job, it's important to build on the momentum you've established in your first 30 days. This is the time to start taking more initiative and demonstrating your value to the company. Identify specific milestones you hope to achieve during this timeframe, such as increasing your productivity, completing a major project, or taking on additional responsibilities.

It's also important to continue building relationships with your colleagues and seeking out opportunities to collaborate and contribute to team projects. This will help you to establish yourself as a valuable member of the team and demonstrate your commitment to the company's success.

Assessing progress and planning for the future at 90 days

By the end of your first 90 days, you should have made significant strides towards your goals and developed a deeper understanding of your role within the company. Take the time to reflect on your progress and assess the areas where you've excelled and those that need improvement. Use this reflection to set new goals and objectives for the next 90 days, and develop an action plan for achieving them.

Remember that a 30-60-90 day plan is just the beginning of your journey in a new role. It's important to continue setting goals and striving for excellence throughout your tenure with the company. By demonstrating your commitment to growth and development, you'll position yourself for long-term success and advancement within the organization.

Preparing to Write Your 30-60-90 Day Plan

Before you start writing your plan, you need to do some research and preparation. This includes gaining a deeper understanding of your company and role, identifying key objectives and priorities, and gathering any necessary resources and tools.

Researching your company and role

Take the time to learn as much as you can about your new company and the role you'll be fulfilling. This can include reviewing the company website and social media profiles, reading any available reports or documents, and talking to colleagues who have experience in the same industry or role.

Identifying key objectives and priorities

Identify the key objectives and priorities for your role, and consider how your position fits into the larger goals and objectives of the company. This may involve talking with your manager, reviewing your job description, and looking for opportunities to add value and make an impact.

Gathering necessary resources and tools

Determine what resources and tools you'll need to successfully complete your goals and objectives. This could include software, hardware, training materials, or access to certain databases or systems. Be sure to communicate any necessary needs with your manager and team members.

Writing Your 30-Day Plan

Your 30-day plan should be focused on establishing a strong foundation and getting acclimated to your new environment. Consider the following tips as you write your plan:

Establishing a strong foundation

  • Meet with key stakeholders and colleagues to learn about their roles and responsibilities
  • Get familiar with company policies, procedures, and culture
  • Develop a relationship with your manager and discuss your short-term goals and objectives

Setting realistic goals and expectations

  • Identify specific tasks and priorities that you need to accomplish during the first 30 days
  • Communicate your goals and objectives to your manager and colleagues
  • Align your goals with the larger objectives of the company

Building relationships and networking

  • Schedule meetings and social events to get to know your colleagues and build relationships
  • Attend company events and meetings to network and learn more about the company culture

Writing Your 60-Day Plan

Your 60-day plan should be focused on taking more initiative and demonstrating your value to the company. Consider the following tips as you write your plan:

Expanding on your initial goals

  • Assess your progress towards your goals and objectives from the first 30 days
  • Identify new objectives and priorities for the next 30 days
  • Continue aligning your goals with the larger objectives of the company

Demonstrating your value and skills

  • Take on additional responsibilities and showcase your strengths
  • Look for opportunities to identify and solve problems in your role
  • Communicate your successes and accomplishments to your manager and colleagues

Implementing improvements and changes

  • Start identifying areas where you can make improvements and streamline processes
  • Propose changes or enhancements that could benefit the team or company
  • Collaborate with colleagues to implement changes and measure their effectiveness

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a 30-60-90 Day Plan

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot.

Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.


A 30-60-90 day plan is a valuable tool for setting yourself up for success in a new role or position. By breaking down your goals into manageable timeframes, you can better focus your efforts and track your progress along the way. Consider the tips and strategies discussed in this article, and use them to develop a comprehensive plan that aligns with the objectives and priorities of your company.

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